Calibration Service CDP 8100/8800/7000/Alcofind AF-35C

89,00 73,55 without vat

We recommend that you re-calibrate your unit once a year if you own one of the following breath testers: CDP 8100, CDP 8800 or CDP 7000. This will ensure the correct operation of your breath testing unit as well as higher accuray.

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Calibration Service CDP 8100/8800/7000/Alcofind AF-35C

C.D.Products offers a complete re-calibration service.

  1. We pick up your unit at your home.
  2. Our specialist technicians check the state of your breath tester in our laboratory.
  3. We use specific instruments to correctly gauge the model sent.
  4. We return your breath tester in less than one week.

The price shown corresponds to the cost of the service and shipping in Spain.

For collections and shipping to Canarias or abroad, please consult the cost of this service.